KDOT District 5 - South Central Region (Wichita)

2021 Virtual On-Demand Local Consult


Local Consult Starts Here

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A Message From The Secretary

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Provide Input on Regional Projects

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Additional Information

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Welcome to your Virtual On-Demand Local Consult

Local Consult is KDOT’s public engagement process for the 10-year Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE). It takes place every two years to get Kansans’ input on a list of potential expansion and modernization projects for each region. It’s also an opportunity to strengthen local partnerships, to better understand which KDOT programs matter most to communities, and to get feedback on how we can improve delivery.

The priorities you share at Local Consult help KDOT determine which projects move forward into the development pipeline. Because we know regional conditions and priorities change over time, we come back every two years to ensure we are investing in projects that fit the needs of your region today and into the future.

For more information regarding the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program, visit www.ksdotike.org or email ike@ks.gov.

This information can be made available in alternative accessible formats by contacting the KDOT Division of Communications 785.296.3585 (voice) - 711 hearing impaired.